Verified Field Lead Process
Process | Verified Field Lead
Outline & Purpose: To outline how field technicians can capture, record and get credit for a verified lead.
What is a “verified lead”?
A verified lead consists of contact and property information collected from a potential customer. To qualify, a lead must contain the following information.
- Full name
- Full property address
- Phone number
- Email address
- Services the lead is interested in.
Where can I look for verified leads?
- Neighbors are a great source when working in the residential setting. If you see them out and about, approach them and ask if they would like a free quote. Offer them a brochure.
- When working in a commercial setting, employees are great prospects. Use your judgement when asking them if they would like a quote.
- When people see your uniforms, work vehicle, etc., they may approach you with interest. Capture their information to get a verified lead.
How to capture a lead:
- Enter all of the above information into the “Client” section of your Jobber app (click the + button, select Client icon from menu, fill in the form with as much detail as you can.)
- If you don’t have permissions to add contacts to Jobber, capture as much customer info as you can on a piece of paper or in your phone’s notes app, and then ask your crew leader to input it into Jobber.
- Make sure to save the contact before exiting the screen.
- In Slack, go to the “Field Lead” channel. Enter the customer’s name and information.
- When the Sales Manager verifies that the lead is complete and accurate, you will get credit for it.
How does the Verified Lead bonus work?
- When a lead you’ve collected is verified, you will receive a $10 bonus.
- You will receive the total of all of your lead bonuses in cash each week during our team meeting.
Script for capturing leads from potential customers:
“I can get some information from you and forward it over to someone in our office who can get you a quote right away.
- Can I get your first and last name (confirm spelling is correct)
- What’s the full address of your home/property?
- What’s the best phone number to reach you at?
- We usually like to email our quotes so that you have it for your records. What’s a good email address for that?
- And what services are you interested in?
Ok great. I’m forwarding this on to our office right now. Zack will be in touch with you soon to get you a quote. Thank you!”
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